Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.3 Preview DC 09.11.2014
The distribution package installs . NET Framework and associated files required to run applications developed to run in the runtime. NET Framework - a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications from Microsoft , with an excellent user interface , transparent media and insurance, as well as the ability to create a variety of business processes.
.NET Framework is a proprietary Microsoft technology. However , after the conclusion of an agreement with Novell, Mono technology has been recognized as an accomplishment. NET on Unix (GNU / Linux , Mac OS X) systems. However, according to Novell customers , and Novell , as the ASP technology. NET , ADO . NET and Windows. Methods have been standardized by ECMA / ISO and use in Mono is threatened by claims from Microsoft ( claims are only possible in countries where software patents ) . Mono provides an embodiment of ASP . NET , ADO . NET and Windows. Forms , but also encouraged to avoid these APIs.
New in version 4.5.3 Preview
Changes in the base class library :
Many new APIs have been added around the frame to enable key scenarios . You will notice the following changes and additions:
Additional collections ReadOnlyCollection implemented as Queue and Stack.
Other members support task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP ) as Task.CompletedTask and NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync .
The CultureInfo.CurrentCulture and CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture properties are now read and write instead of read only. If you assign a new CultureInfo object to these properties, the current thread culture Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture property defined by the current culture and UI thread defined by Thread.currentThread , CurrentUICulture properties also change.
JIT Compiler for 64-bit managed code :
This version includes a new JIT compiler version 64 bits , providing a significant performance improvement over the existing 64-bit JIT compiler .
5 is a lean ASP.NET .NET platform for building modern applications based in the cloud. The platform is modular so you can include only those features that are required in the application. It can be hosted in IIS or self-hosted on a custom process , and can run applications with different versions of the framework on the same server . It includes a new configuration system environment that is designed for cloud deployment .
MVC , Web API and pages are unified into one framework called ASP.NET MVC May 6. You build applications using the new tools in Visual Studio 14. Your existing applications to run in the new .NET framework ; however to build an application that uses MVC SignalR 6 or 3, you must use the project system in Visual Studio 14 .
Resize Windows Forms controls :
This feature has been expanded to include DomainUpDown , NumericUpDown , DataGridViewComboBoxColumn , and ToolStripSplitButton DataGridViewColumn types .
This is an opt-in feature . To enable, set the EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing element to true in the configuration file of the application ( app.config ) .
Support page encodings codes:
NET Core primarily supports Unicode encodings and by default provides limited code page encodings support. You can add support for code page encodings available in the .NET Framework , but .NET Core not supported by recording code page encodings with Encoding.RegisterProvider method.
Improvements in monitoring events :
An EventSource object can now be built directly you can call one of the methods Write``1 to make a self-description event.
Packages .NET Framework open source
Some large packages .NET immutable collections such as SIMD and APIs are available , open source on GitHub
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